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Metal Slug Guy and Borderlands 2, Part 2: The Actual Game

A departure from social issues and back to what I love most: video games. Truly, I am a man in his element once again. The first thing that caught my eye about Borderlands 2, and renewed my faith in Gearbox after the Duke Nukem Forever debacle (a subject for another article, if I wasn’t so late to the party) was the “Love Letter from Claptrap.” Read more…

Metal Slug Guy and Borderlands 2, Part 1: Girlbro Friendever Mode

Over the past little while, there’s been some fuss over the internal name for Borderlands 2’s “Best Friends Forever” mode, which was called “Girlfriend Mode” in the studio. The implication being that if you want to play the game with your special someone and they happen to be bad at video games, they can drop into this mode and do just as well as you, but with much less required skill.

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Hello again, Internet!

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I kinda dropped off the radar after my fun times with Torchlight 2. Here’s a short list of things I’ve been doing:

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A Look Inside the Torchlight 2 Beta

I will admit I have something of a soft spot for Runic. Torchlight was the first Diablo-like game I played, after playing Diablo II such a long time ago, and despite it being a singleplayer experience, it offered a great deal. The graphics were simplistic but stylish, and the combat could range from a single satisfying kill to a devastating room-clear with the Alchemist’s Ember Lance spell. After playing quite a lot of the first Torchlight, I eagerly anticipated the sequel. Yesterday, with a great amount of luck and speed, I secured a beta key and have been playing the game ever since.

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Guild Wars 2: Sharing Effective Design on a Massive Scale

Think back to before playing games on a PC was viable. When consoles were the most appropriate avenue for interacting with game software. You press a single button and a single result comes of it. A is Jump, B is Fireball, Hold B is Run. You know exactly what will happen when you press those buttons, but you have to be clever enough to use them at the right time in order to progress through the game world and defeat the enemies you’re faced with. For a long, long time, that design philosophy worked. It stood out. You knew what you were doing in a game because the controls were made for it.

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